Scholarships for Disabled Students

Disability is often considered a barrier to education. However, scholarships for disabled students are available to help students achieve their academic goals. These scholarships provide financial assistance to students with disabilities, helping them pay tuition fees, accommodation, and other expenses. This article will discuss the different types of scholarships available for disabled students, the eligibility criteria, and how to apply for them.

Types of Scholarships for Disabled Students

There are several types of scholarships available for disabled students. Here are some of the most common:

Disability-specific Scholarships

Disability-specific scholarships are designed for students with specific disabilities. These scholarships may be awarded to students with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, or mental health disabilities. For instance, the American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) offers the AAHD Frederick J. Krause Scholarship on Health and Disability for undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities. The scholarship is open to students with any disability and provides up to $1,000 in financial assistance.

Academic Merit Scholarships

Academic merit scholarships are awarded to students who have demonstrated academic excellence. These scholarships may also be available to disabled students who have achieved academic excellence. For example, the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) offers the NFB Scholarship Program for blind students who have demonstrated academic achievement. The scholarship awards range from $3,000 to $12,000.

Need-based Scholarships

Need-based scholarships are awarded to students who have demonstrated financial need. Disabled students may be eligible for need-based scholarships if they can demonstrate that their disability has significantly impacted their finances. For example, the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI) offers the CCLVI Scholarship for students with low vision. The scholarship provides up to $3,000 in financial assistance to students who can demonstrate financial need.

Talent-based Scholarships

Talent-based scholarships are awarded to students with exceptional talent in a particular field, such as music, sports, or art. Some talent-based scholarships may also be available to disabled students. For instance, the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) offers the HLAA Anna and John J. Sie Foundation Scholarship for hard-of-hearing or deaf students pursuing a degree in the performing arts. The scholarship provides up to $1,000 in financial assistance.

Eligibility Criteria for Scholarships for Disabled Students

The eligibility criteria for scholarships for disabled students vary depending on the scholarship. However, some general eligibility criteria apply to most scholarships. These include:


Students must have a disability to be eligible for disability-specific scholarships. The definition of disability varies depending on the scholarship. Some scholarships may require students to have a physical disability, while others may include learning disabilities or mental health disabilities.

Enrollment Status

Most scholarships require students to be enrolled in a college or university. Some scholarships may require students to be enrolled full-time, while others may allow part-time enrollment.

Academic Performance

Many scholarships require students to have a certain GPA or academic record. Academic merit scholarships, in particular, require students to have demonstrated academic excellence.

Financial Need

Need-based scholarships require students to demonstrate financial need. Students must provide documentation that shows their income and expenses.


Some scholarships may be restricted to US citizens or permanent residents. Students should check the eligibility criteria before applying.

How to Apply for Scholarships for Disabled Students

Applying for scholarships for disabled students is similar to applying for other scholarships. Here are the general steps that students should follow:

Research Scholarships

The first step is to research scholarships that are available for disabled students. Students can use online scholarship databases or consult with their school’s disability services office. It’s important to read the eligibility criteria carefully to ensure the student can apply.

Gather Required Documents

Students should gather all the required documents before starting the application process. This may include transcripts, letters of recommendation, and documentation of disability or financial need.

Write a Strong Personal Statement

Many scholarship applications require students to submit a personal statement. This is an opportunity for students to highlight their achievements, explain why they deserve the scholarship, and describe how the scholarship will help them achieve their academic goals.

Submit the Application

Once the application is complete, students should submit it before the deadline. It’s important to ensure that all the required documents are included in the application.

Follow Up

After applying, students should follow up with the scholarship provider to confirm that the application has been received. Students may also want to follow up after the application deadline to inquire about the status of their application.


Additional Resources and Tips for Disabled Scholarship Applicants

Disability Services Office

Most colleges and universities have a disability services office that provides support and resources for disabled students. These offices can help students find scholarships specific to their disability and offer assistance with the application process.


National Organizations

Several national organizations offer scholarships for disabled students. These organizations include the National Federation of the Blind, the American Association of People with Disabilities, and the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund.

Government Aid

Disabled students may also be eligible for government aid, such as grants and loans. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a form that students can complete to determine their eligibility for federal aid.

Highlight Your Strengths

When applying for scholarships, it’s important to highlight your strengths and achievements. Don’t be afraid to share your story and explain how your disability has motivated you to pursue your academic goals.

Start Early

Scholarship applications can be time-consuming, so it’s important to start early and give yourself plenty of time to gather all the required documents and write a strong personal statement.

Apply to Multiple Scholarship

To increase your chances of receiving a scholarship, applying for multiple scholarships is a good idea. Many scholarships are available for disabled students, so don’t limit yourself to just one or two applications.

Use Scholarship Databases

Scholarship databases, such as Fastweb and, can be valuable resources for finding scholarships. These databases allow students to search for scholarships based on their disability, academic achievement, and other factors.



Scholarships for disabled students are a valuable resource for students with disabilities who want to pursue higher education. These scholarships provide financial assistance, which can help students pay for tuition fees, accommodation, and other expenses. Several types of scholarships are available for disabled students, including disability-specific scholarships, academic merit scholarships, need-based scholarships, and talent-based scholarships.

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